Lost and Found in Hi-Tech Age
We may have the fastest smartphones and constant connectivity, but all the hi-tech in the world can’t help us find things we lose. Or can it?
Everyone can lose a thing. If it’s not your wallet with your name and ID, whoever finds it will have no idea about the owner. If you know where you lost it, you may come back and check at the administrator’s desk or an info booth. But what if you lost it somewhere on the street, or simply have no idea where it happened? Whoever finds your belongings may genuinely want to help, but how can they do it? Let them help you with ARoglyph!
Found something and want to return it to the rightful owner? ARoglyph will come to the rescue! Whether you lost something or found something, ARoglyph makes it easy to communicate with the other party. Let’s see how this works.

Place a Mark
In ARoglyph, create a mark somewhere in the area where you lost (or found) something.
In ARoglyph, create a mark somewhere in the area where you lost (or found) something. Do mention what it was, and when it was lost (or found). If you lost something, give as many details as possible. Don’t forget leaving your contact information! An email address or a phone number will usually suffice, but don’t let us stop you from using your Facebook or Skype.
Obviously, you’ll want your mark to be seen by as many people as possible, so make sure to set its visibility settings to cover the entire neighborhood.
Obviously, you’ll want your mark to be seen by as many people as possible, so make sure to set its visibility settings to cover the entire neighborhood. As the mark is visible around the place where the belonging was lost or found, finding that thing or its owner gets even more likely.
What happens when the owner (or finder) of the missing belonging gets around the mark? They can see the mark and read the description. If they are the owner (or the finder), they’ll have a chance to contact you by using the contact information you left or by just commenting the mark.
Download and use for free
ARoglyph is available on Google Play and AppStore. Download and start using today!
ARoglyph complements traditional Lost & Found by adding a hi-tech touch to the endeavor. Whether you lost something or found something, leave an ARoglyph mark around the place where it happened, and your chance of meeting with the other party increase.